Megma is an exploration of shedding societal expectations of what is feminine. It’s a process of accepting all version of one’s self that burns beneath. The good, bad, different and vulnerable.
This piece would not exist without the involvement and creative offers of Katherine Semchuk, Valentia Dimitriou and Sylvie Moquin in the preliminary research of this work.
Annual Alberta Dance Festival 2018 | 10 minute work | Calgary, AB
Artists Involved
Choreographer: Meghann Michalsky
Dancer: Meghann Michalsky
Costume Designer: Myah Van Horn
Music: R. Normandeau by Gary James Joynes
Performer: Meghann Michalsky
Invited Outside Eyes: Davida Monk, Mike Czuba, Linnea Swan
Photography: Dancers’ Studio West
Supported By
University of Calgary Dance Alumni Residency Program
W&M Dance Projects Artist in Residence, Artist Support Program and bingo volunteers